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Notice of Annual General Meeting 2024

The WPC Cricket Club Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held on Tuesday,

19 November 2024 at 6:30pm, followed by a General Club Meeting at 7:35pm. The AGM agenda is below.

  1. President’s opening, welcome, recording of attendance and apologies

  2. Presentation of written report of the club’s operations throughout the year

  3. Approval of minutes of the previous Annual General Meeting

  4. Business arising from the minutes

  5. Financial Report and its receipt for the last reportable financial year – copies of this will be available at the meeting

  6. Appointment of auditor/accountant for the new financial year

  7. Election of Life Members

  8. Notice of motions: a. Ordinary Motion

    1. That all successful candidates for the Management Committee shall agree to sign position agreements and operate according to them.

  9. Election of Management Committee

    1. Acceptance of nominations

    2. Vote by members for each position

    3. Declaration of results

  10. Disclosure of the nature and extent of material personal interests of Management Committee members

  11. Appointing the Appeals Chairperson

  12. Bank Signatories

  13. Approval of the Association membership fee for the next financial year

  14. Close Meeting

Committee roles up for nomination this year are the Secretary, Cricket Operations and Facility Operations. If you are interested in any of these roles, please refer to the AGM meeting notice sent via e-mail or the web site link.  Nominations are to be sent to by Monday 4 November 2024.  

This is also a good time to consider nominating for one of the operational volunteer roles (Academy Manager, Director of Coaching, Equipment Officer and First Aid Contact, Junior, Youth, Girls and Senior Cricket Managers, Grants Officer, Merchandising Officer, Registrar, Social Media Administrator, Website Administrator). These roles are vital to the success of the club and under the club volunteer rewards program, you may receive a small financial incentive or reduction in playing fees. In particular, we require an Academy Manager. If you can help, please contact the support person specified for the role (included on the relevant Task Sheet), and they will be able to provide you with more information.  Nominations are due by 4 November to the support person for the role and decisions will be made shortly after the AGM. Below are documents relevant to the 2024 AGM plus information about the operational volunteer roles. 

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